Detailed Ruukki sandwich panels installation instruction: installation on the foundation, features of fastening to the steel frame, joining, installation of bended elements and sealing of joints.
The installation of Ruukki sandwich panels increases the energy efficiency class of the building.Follow the installation instruction to ensure best airtightness.
Unload the panels using a crane or a forklift, one package at the time.
Upon delivery make a visual inspection to ensure that the goods have not been damaged during transportation and that no items listed on the delivery note are missing. Using the panel layout drawings select suitable places around the building side to store the panels.
The package panels must be stored on level ground. Do not stand the packages on top of one other. Make sure the packages are protected from rain, sun and dirt.
Before installation begins fit the seals on the upper surface of the plinth. Make sure the upper surface is leveled within a tolerance of 10 mm. It’s especially important to check the extension seams of the plinth elements.
Fit the expanding seal strip on the top surface of the plinth. The tape is fitted by following the shape of the plinth carefully so that the inner ridge of the tape is in contact with the side of the pillar. The tape should be overlap at the corner and extension seals for around 50 mm.
Fit the expending seal strip on top of the butyl tape so that inner range is also in contact with a pillar. If the upper range plinth elements protrude close to 10 mm limit in the extension seems the seal strip should be cut in that area. The extension seals of the expanding seal strip are fitted with the butt joint. The seal strip should be cut in the corner to be around 50 mm shorter than the outside corner of the pillar to insure sufficient tilting of the plinth purling.
Then fit the plinth purling around 7-9 mm of the surface of the pillar. Make sure the weep holes are on the outside. Extension seem should be fitted carefully with a butt joint.
Cut the inner flange of the second purling in the corner.
Attach the purling to the plinth so that one of the screws is on the outer ridge and the others on inner ridge in the female holes.
Fit the butyl tape on the plinth purling so that it is in contact with the inner ridge of the rail making any water flow through the weep holes. The seams of the butyl tape should overlap for around 50 mm.
Fit the wool insulation material on top of the rail. The extension seams of the wool insulation are fitted with a butt joint.
Fit the plinth flashing on the top of the edge the plinth purling. The plinth flashings should overlap for a 100 mm using the taper at their ends.
For the corner cut out the piece of the flashing and fold up the seams into 90° angle.
The seam is closed by turning the longer fold over the shorter fold.
Before attaching the first panel fit the seals on the frame pillars. Fit the seals on the both edges of the outer surface of the frame pillars approximately 20 millimeters from the outer edge of the pillar. Use butt joints.
Remove the protective film from the panels either completely or from the fastening areas before installing the panel. Any remaining protective film should be remove immediately after installation and no later than ones the wall is completed.
Lift the panel on to the plinth purling using lifting tools hired from Ruukki. Remember to use safety strips when lifting the panel.
Fit the end of the panel approximately 10 mm to the side of the pillars center line leaving a vertical seam of around 20 mm.
At sealant to the outer horizontal groove to an area about the width of the vertical seam flashing. for around 200 mm before installing the next panel.
Continue the installation one pillar section at the time from bottom to top.
For the corner cut off the inner sheet from the panels to remove the thermal bridge.
Apply elastic 50 mm polyurethane foam into a vertical seams. Starting from the top of the plinth rail and tightly against the pillar.
Pack the remaining width of the panel with mineral wool and then tight the joint with the joint sealing.
Attach the eave profile on top of the upper element.
The the outer corners of the building are taped with 300-millimeters wide joint sealing. Attach sealing tapes to the vertical flashings prior to installation. The vertical flashing should overlap for a 100 mm using the tape as it wound not end. You can also use a Ruukki Invisible for the vertical flashings, allowing the façade to retain a uniform and even appearance.
It is recommended that any large opening such as for windows, doors or HVAC systems be cut only once the panels have been installed. Begin by marking the cutting lines on both sides of metal surface of the panel and then drill holes where the lines made. The metal can then be cut using a handheld circular saw, fitted with a TCT saw blade.
High tightness and durability of the building can be guaranteed only by following the installation recommendations and using high-quality sandwich panels, fasteners and accessories.
If the customer wants to reduce the time of installation work to a minimum and at the same time obtain the highest quality result, it is necessary to contact professionals for the sandwich panels installation . Rauta specialists have extensive experience in working with sandwich panels, so they can guarantee high quality and short installation times in compliance with all safety requirements at the construction site.